Sunday, November 26, 2006

Christmas Parade Nov. 24,2006

This of course was Alexander's 1st Christmas Parade. He loved watching it. But we filmed the parade instead of taking pictures. But here are a few!!
Here are some of his Cousins. Piper,Eli and Sophia!!!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Still November

Still handsome as ever!!
He is growing so fast!!
Check out his mini chopper!
Check it out Alexander broke thru 2 teeth at the same time!! Talk about growing up fast. It is awesome and sad but great!!!
He loves his new Toy!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Play Date with Gianna

Alexander had a play date with his cousin Gianna!! Alexander would get mad because he wanted to play with the Leap Frog Toy. Isn't Gianna a cutie? They are both the cutest I think!!Giving Uncle Gino Five!!Talk about serious!

Just Hanging!

I'm hanging out with Nanna and my puppy Bandit!! Watching TV!
Watching the movie Cars for the first time! He loved it.
Looking to make sure Mom is watching too!! LOL

Play Date

Alexander had a play date with Andrew who is the same age, born the same day, and Lucas Andrew's brother.

Hanging out with family

Oma and Grandpa came to town. we hung out with my cousins and had fun playing with the blocks. We had fun! See I know how to share!!! LOL
MMM Yummy!!
Hanging with Oma!

7 Months Old

Alexander is 7 months old. He is growing so fast, and very active. He rolls around the room to get places. What a beautiful boy I have, it is the most amazing thing ever. He loves to sit up and calls mama dada now more dadadada.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Hanging with Nana!
Aren't I wearing a cute outfit? My daddy bought it for me.


This is Alexander's 1st Halloween. We went to the Halloween Party at the Civic Center. He liked his balloon that Auntie Margaret got him. He wasn't scared at all.
This is Halloween night!!
Alexander with his cousin Gianna, Are they not the cutest ever?
Alexander with his cousins Piper, Eli, and Sophia!!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

More October

Of course, more cute Pictures!Daddy's Birthday we had the family over to help celebrate.
Alexander had to have his 6 month shots that day but he was great!
Here are his cousins having fun!
Now with daddy!
Ya, I'm free
Here I'm hanging out with Nana and Nono, wearing my CVCU toque.
Hanging out with my puppy!