Sunday, December 31, 2006

Mom and Dad's Staff Party Night

We went for our staff party and we took Alexander. He slept thru the whole thing. But he was so sick that week, he had a fever it was sad but still happy. These pictures are when we came home.
Isn't that the cutest little angel you have ever seen?

First Visit to Santa

We went to the Civic Center to see Santa for the fist time. Alexander was great, he was so busy starring at him. To busy to smile and look at the camera.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Helping Mommy

Well Alexander liked helping with the wrapping of the gifts, but when you take his bow away watch out he would get mad. I would put the bows on and he would take them off.

WOW!! 8 Months Old

I can't believe he is 8 months old now. My baby boy is growing up fast!! He is so cute and the best thing that has ever happened to us. We are so lucky!!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Happy at home

Talk about happy he didn't like it in Downtown Vancouver. But when we got home and he say Nanna and Nonno he was so happy. Auntie Lia and Margaret come over to.
But here he is hanging with the guys!

Downtown Vancouver

We left Auntie Barb's on Sunday night and went to Downtown Vancouver. We stayed at the Quality Inn.
Here he is taking a nap!! Isn't he Cute?
Check out the View from our room!
Getting ready for the long trip home!

Trip to Vancouver

We went to Surrey to see family. Great Oma saw Alexander for the first time. We stayed at Auntie Barb and Uncle Dick. We had lots of fun Claire, Eric, Andrew, Tu-Ann, Holly, Eugene, and Cloe were all there to. Alexander loved it at Uncle Dick's and had so much fun playing with the toys.

First with Great Oma!!
He loved Auntie Barb!! He was always smiling with her!!