Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Alexander Stands Up!

With just a little help from Dad.

Quick Update!

Alexander has 6 teeth now. The 2 front ones are so big but cute. And at around 7:15 tonight he pulled himself up against the couch 3 times. He is so proud of himself and so are we he is growing up so fast. Eleven months coming up soon. His new thing is dancing to any music as soon as he hears any. He also gives kisses and does horsey ride sound.

Nonno and Uncle Frank's Birthday

Sunday Feb. 25, 2007 was their 61st Birthday and we celebrated at my Uncle's home. The whole family was there.
Here Uncle Tony decides that Alexander should try Beer! Alexander loves it!
Here Alexander tries to sample the cake early!

Some Cute Pictures

Here are a few cute pictures at 10 months old!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Alexander's First Valentine's Day

We all went out to dinner for Valentine's Day. Here's a short clip from the restaurant.

Here are some picture of when we went for dinner and after at home!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Alexander Tries Pineapple for the First Time

First time posting video. Let's see if this works!

Monday, February 12, 2007

2 More Teeth!

Alexander got his 2 front teeth yesterday Sunday, Feb. 11,2007. He barely fussed he went to bed for a nap at 10:00 am and woke up at about noon and there they were. You could see them but today you can see them more and feel them. It is so cool. I hope he continues to get 2 at a time with minimal fuss. He is 10 months old now and wow how fast the time has gone. He is so smart and getting so big. He is wonderful.

10 Months old WOW!

Alexander is 10 months old and is he ever growing and changing everyday. It is so much FUN!

Eating Nanna's Donuts

Nanna makes these hard donuts and Alexander had one for the first time. He loved it and still does.

Auntie Danielle's BD

Here we are at Auntie Danielle's BD and Alexander decided to stay up and hang with the grown ups.

Home from the weekend

We got home Sunday Jan. 28th and Alexander decided to crawl that night.


We went to Cranbrook to visit for the weekend.

Look How Cute I Am!

They had in our Golden Star Paper "The Babies of 2006" so I decided to take some pictures. Here are a couple.

Lounging in his High Chair

Everytime you put him in his chair he puts his feet up. He loves to just hang out.

Bath Time

Alexander loves his baths!
Here he is in his new bath ring.