Thursday, May 24, 2007

Alexander's Birthday Party

We had Alexander's Birthday Party on April 14th which marks a year home with us. The whole family and some friends came over we had a BBQ and lots of food. After a while the power went out and we still had a good time there was enough light to open presents. After the gifts the power came back. Alexander was having such a good time he never went to bed till the last of the quest left at 11:30. He was so tired then.
The kids got to decorate thier own cakes in ice cream cones. I think they enjoyed it.
We played pin the butterfly on the Pooh.
Now the Cakes!
Gift opening time!
Wind down time!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Angel Boy!!

Well it was his actual Birthday and his Auntie Lissa came down too for his birthday. She only got to stay for a while. We went to Nanna and Nanno's for dinner and then we had cake later. We were there Uncle Tony and his family and Auntie Lia and her family were there (to many to list). Daddy took the day off from work and we all just hung out. He had fun opening his gifts and eating cake for the first time by himself. He was cute!!