Monday, January 01, 2007

Christmas Eve

We had Christmas Eve at Nanna and Nonno's. Alexander had fun, he played with his cousins Piper, Eli and Sophia and admired his Auntie Danielle (like always loves to flirt with her) and Uncle Tony. Auntie Lia, Uncle Frank, Margaret and David were there too. Oma and Grandpa came down from Cranbrook. We stayed up late and had fun.

Here are some cute pic's of Alexander and his cousin Sophia.
Well Alexander was so good this year that Santa took some time out of his busy scheduale to come and see the kids at my Uncle Franks early.
Here is a picture with Uncle Frank and Dad!
Well after all that excitement we went back to Nanna and Nonno's and played and opened some gifts for the kids.


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